Thursday, 22 September 2011

Shroud - Suicide Mission (1993)

So this download was given to us by a member of the band on our message board and am listening to it for the first time now as I type this. I like what I hear so far. Thanks, Adel. I'll just paste his message here and you can get the full story from the man himself...

I've been a fan of your blog for some time, and I usually take, so I thought I'd pass something along this time, and see if you were interested.
Here's the full story... In 1992 some friends and I formed a band, SHROUD, for one show. It was to be completely improvised - no rehearsals - and the music turned out to be an art-damaged doom-punk-jazz with a twisted vibe. We played said show, and were asked to open for Unsane a few weeks later, as well as record. We decided to liquidate the band immediately after the studio. The recording produced the limited (500 copies) cassette "Suicide Mission" in 1993. I re-pressed it on CD, limited to 500, a few months ago, and they are almost gone, so I thought I'd pass this along for your blog, and let folks have it for free.
I think those that enjoy a bit of Shiva's bliss may get a kick out of tracks 3, 4, and 6, especially.
I understand that the sound here isn't for everyone, but I though you might get a kick (negative or positive) from this release.

Adel Souto
