So I see that a lot of blogs do these lists toward the end of the year so I thought I'd try to put together a list of my favorites of 2008. I know I'm going to forget a bunch of albums. I'm sure I'll remember ones that I forgot about in the weeks to come but these are what's coming to mind now. 2008 as a whole had been a pretty good year for music if you ask me.
1- Young Widows - Old Wounds
I've already posted this before and I'll say it again. The best album of the year. I just can't get enough of it. The best noise-rock album to come out since the 90's in my opinion.
2- Earth - The Bees made Honey In The Lion's Skull
With this album they improved on what was missing from
Hex; Or Printing In The Infernal Method. Hex marked return of Earth after a long hiatus. Dylan Carlson came back with a whole new band and a whole new sound. But with
Bee's the sound is filled out a lot more and has a bit more weight to it than Hex. This album brings back a little bit of the old Earth sound. This was probably the record I listened to the most this year.
3- Dead Meadow - Old Growth
Old Growth is probably the bands most accessible album. Not quite as fuzzed out sounding as some of their older material. I guess you could say that Old Growth is Dead Meadows most mature album. Who says you can't have a little Pop in your Stoner Rock?
4- Heroine Sheiks - Journey To The End Of A Knife
So Shannon Selberg moved back to the
Cows home town of Minneapolis and started a whole new Midwest version of the Heroine Sheiks. It resulted in his most
Cows sounding record since the
5- Russian Circles - Station
This album is all about precision and control. Station also has some of the best drumming that I've heard all year. My favorite post-rock/metal album of the year.
6- Spiritualized - Songs In A & E
It's the Christmas season. What's more appropriate than songs about drugs and Jesus?
7- High Dependency Unit - Metamathics
I had waited 7 long years for HDU's next release and it was well worth the wait.
8- Mills Of God - Call Of The Eastern Moon
Sludge never sounded so groovy.
9- The Dead C - Secret Earth
I guess you could consider
Secret Earth a return to form for the band. It's the most "rock" sounding album they've put out in years. Every song has vocals and only one song runs longer than 15 minutes.
10- Bardo Pond - Circuit VIII
It's only one song but it sounds as if it were four. Circuit VIII has these epic movement that go from drone to acoustic to rock and back to drone again all with in the same song. It has a clean studio recording and seems more well thought out than the typical Bardo Pond jam.
Other great albums of 2008...
Fight Amp - Hungry For Nothing
5ive - Hesperus
Capricorns - River, Bear Your Bones
The Dirtbombs - We Have You Surrounded
Don Caballero - Punkgasm
The Goslings - Occasion
Wavves - S/T
Harvey Milk - Life... The Best Game In Town
Boris - Smile
18th Dye - Amorine Queen
Scul Hazzards - Let Them Sink
Ufomammut - Idolum
Grey Daturas - Return To Disruption
The Hospitals - Hairdryer Peace
H.O.F. - A New Kind Of Hate
Gown - For The Maples
Monno - Ghosts
Across Tundras - Western Sky Ride
Bongripper - Hate Asbury
Deerhunter - Microcastle
Melvins - Nude With Boots
I didn't want to take the time to upload all of these so I did take a few from other sites like Sordo Music and others. So as of now all the links are active, but everything on this list is still in print I believe so please buy anything you like. Christmas gifts maybe?