Thursday, 17 May 2012

Disasteratti - Transmissionary (2011)

Being a Minneapolis native I have a strong connection to the bands that came out of the local scene when growing up.  I've already written about a lot of those bands (most having some sort of connection to Tom Hazelmeyer) already but have lost touch with what's been going on up there since moving away nearly 20 years ago.  Recently I've heard some new young bands from Minneapolis that have piqued my interest in that scene once again.  One being Buildings (can't stop listening to "Melt Cry Sleep") and the other is a great band called Disasteratti.  I've stolen a description of the band from Learning Curve Record's website that released a vinyl edition of 300 copies of this album.  On a related note... I currently live in Los Angeles and am looking forward to a upcoming show next month featuring some of the finest noise that Minneapolis has to offer including my all-time favorite Hammerhead.


Hell-Billy cowboy acid surf crunch. These are the words that spew from my unfiltered mind. The catalyst for this outburst is simple. Disasteratti. The Twin Cities newest low brow core artist to break out with a heavy slab of wax on Learning Curve Records. Their debut full length, “Transmissionary” is a masterpiece of beer driven pig stomp surf alt wave festival shenanigans. The 11-song gem is a solid boo ya of the glory days of 90’s style rock. Aggressive rhythms, dark introspective vocals and pure redness abandon. “Transmissionary” is like the zipper ride at your county fair, you get in the cage, scream like death is at your door, adrenaline pumps through you. Up, down, backwards, forwards, fear and ecstasy all with in seconds. This is the ride of this LP. Take a listen, you might end up bobbing your head, jumping around you kitchen or smashing the closest object. Disasteratti has been playing shows in and around the Twin Cities for a couple years now, as well as touring thought the Midwest, developing a loyal underground fan base. Playing together for many years, Antoine, Brandon and Dari exist as a brotherhood, which is seen when they feed off each other in a live setting. Throttling their audience with mind pulsing rock.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Xaddax - Counterclockwork (2012)

Xaddax is the newest project of Nick Sakes' (Dazzling Killmen, Colossamite, Sicbay) with drummer Chrissy Rosettie (My Name Is Rar-Rar).  I personally think it's the best band Sake's has ever been involved with and it's also one of the best releases that has come out of Skin Graft Records in quite some time.  They're looking to tour Europe in July and if you want to help with expenses you can donate to their Kickstarter page found here.


Sunday, 18 March 2012

Chrome Cranks - Ain't No Lies In Blood (2012)

Looks as though the Chrome Cranks are back and have released their first album in 16 years. I didn't see this coming at all and am pleasantly surprised by the new material. They haven't changed a bit, if anything the songs are more primal and stripped down than ever before. This is garage punk at it's finest, and I'm hoping there'll be a tour to support this album.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Beautiful Mother - Vanilla (2011)

Beautiful Mother are noise rock band from Chicago featuring members of Like Rats and Weekend Nachos. I honestly don't know anything about this band but I came across it recently and it has Sister Hell written all over it. This is a cassette only release with a pressing of 50 copies. If you liked my Grids post from a little while back you'll love this band.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Cutter - Slang 7" +2 (2008)

Cutter was a short-lived NYC band that would go on to become Pygmy Shrews. You know... that band I'm constantly raving about on this blog? The one that I just now found out have recently broken up which totally sucks!! Cutter are much like Pygmy Shrews only more fucked up and chaotic. It's kind of hard for me to explain so just give it a listen to and you'll seen what I mean.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Megaupload Shut Down

It seems as though Megaupload has been shut down due to a pending lawsuit. Read the story here. And wouldn't you know it, it just happens to be the hosting site that the majority of Sister Hell's downloads were uploaded to. Aside from some of my more recent posts that have been uploaded to Mediafire, most all of the past download links are now inactive. I don't plan on re-uploading all of these past links but if someone just HAS to have something I may consider it with enough persistent convincing. The majority of my posts are records that are now out of print. As for the occasional ones that are still in print I recommend making a trip to your local record store and buying a copy of any album written about here. That was always the intent of this blog from the very beginning. As for future downloads I plan to use another hosting site.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Long Legged Woman - Nobody Knows This Is Nowhere (2009)

This for those of you who like a little noise in your garage rock. For fans of "The Hospitals" and "The Lamps." This was the now defunct band's only LP with a pressing of 300 copies.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Lords Of Falconry - Lords Of Falconry (2011)

Lords Of Falconry is a duo from Portland consisting of Steven Wray Lodbell (Davis Redford Triad, Sufi Mind Game, Faust) on guitar and Sammy James (Fireballs Of Freedom) on drums. It's probably the most straight forward rock band that Lodbell's ever been involved with. Here's a description I'm stealing from the label's website...

Lords of Falconry are a rock group with a spectacular psychedelic edge. Songs blast green, inferno-like hard rock, funneling clouds and stripping away sludge, turning it into the waltz-like sound of mastodons stomping across the tundra. Classic heavy psych is alive in tracks that interweave soft voices and loud guitars that continuously pummel and enchant at every turn like a seven-headed cobra. C.S. Lewis had better watch his step!
If psychedelia is quixotically naive, then Lords of Falconry is its 21st-century doppelganger or spectral double wise to the ways of the fallen world. In an era of organized play dates and close parental supervision, there are already enough people ready to cooperate. Lords of Falconry offers what is missing--real rock music.
Formed in a quest to find the lost note, Lords of Falconry examines the intersection of a mystical crossroads between the fourth dimension and their own 3-D universe.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Hepa/Titus - The Giving Brain Vol. 1 & 2 (2011)

So I finally got to see Kevin Rutmanis' (Cows, Melvins, Tomahawk) new band Hepa/Titus play last night. It was more or less what I expected. Kind of weird like Kevin himself but it was an entertaining show. Unlike his previous bands, Hepa/Titus really is Kevin's band with him singing and his bass taking on more of a lead role much like a guitar. Volume 1 is more experimental with each song being exactly 20 minutes long and
is a cassette only release with a pressing of 72 copies. Volume 2 is a rock record more in line with what they performed live and is a 12" vinyl release with a pressing of 200 copies.


Monday, 26 December 2011

Pussy Galore reunites!

So apparently Pussy Galore played a show the other night in New Jersey... WTF??? I never saw this coming. Fucking awesome. I soo wish I was there. So now the question is was this it? Will there be more shows? Does anyone out there know anything about what to expect? Even though there is probably zero chance of Neil Haggerty ever sharing a stage with Jon Spencer again, this is one of most unexpected reunions I thought I'd ever see happen.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Toadliquor - The Hortator's Lament (2003)

I feel like my last few posts have been all over the place. I think we've got the AmRep/T&G 90's noise rock thing pretty well documented here and it's hard for me to come up with anything that Shiny Grey Monotone hasn't covered already. I'm not saying there's going to be any drastic changes here but I'm trying to be less hesitant about venturing outside the box a little. So I thought I'd keep going with that and throw out a classic doom album. Well classic in my eyes anyways considering I'm quite picky about the genre and am hardly a connoisseur when it comes to dread and despair. Ha! That might be a good thing I suppose. That being said... "The Hortator's Lament" was a complete discography CD put out by Southern Lord Records in 2003 featuring their only LP "Feel My Hate, The Power Is Weight" which was released in 1993 along with singles, comp tracks etc. Slow and sludgy with it's drowned vocals buried deep in the mix. Just in time for the holidays. I might have to follow this one up with a pop record just to see if anyone's paying attention.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Party Fowl - STD's 7" (2008)

Party Fowl are a garage punk band featuring Ty Segall, Mikal Cronin (Moonhearts), Seth Densham (Mika Miko) and a bunch of other guys from that scene up there in the Bay area. This band just seemed like a fun one-off side project for these guys and I doubt there was ever any intention on it becoming more than that. Just fast, thrashy party rock to mosh around to. This single was released on a little Italian label called "Goodbye Boozy Records" with a pressing of 300 copies.

Friday, 18 November 2011

King Sound Quartet - The Get-Down Imperative (1997) & Annihilate This Week (1996)

King Sound Quartet was a short-lived Mick Collins (The Gories, Dirtbombs) project that evolved out of the break-up of his second band Blacktop. Members included Blacktop's bass player Alex Cuervo and Tim Kerr (Big Boys, Poison 13). There's a little bit of everything on this record. There's elements of blues, soul, R&B, garage rock, punk, free-jazz etc. "The Get Down Imperative" was a vinyl only pressing and I don't know exactly how many were made but I had a really hard time tracking down a copy so I'm guessing there weren't many. In The Red Records had planned on rereleasing it a while back but it never happened for whatever reason. I've also included their first single "Annihilate This Week."


Monday, 14 November 2011

New Brutalism/Beton Brut/Villabrut/Soldat Brut - Brut Unison (2007)

Brut Unison is a compilation of New Brutalism and all of their off-shoot bands on one album. Now you ask why do they have these other bands that consist of the same members and sound exactly like New Brutalism? I have no idea. It all sounds like the same band to me. In this case it isn't a bad thing because New Brutalism fuckin rock so I could really care less as to why. Musically they sound similar to Shellac and the shouted vocals sound a lot like Alex Dunham (Hoover, Regulator Watts).


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Honkeyfinger - Invocation Of The Demon Other (2008)

I thought I'd throw out something a little different today than what's normally featured in this blog. Maybe our readers won't get into this but who knows? I don't venture much into redneck'ish southern rock often on this blog but I must admit to having an affinity for dirty lo-fi delta blues when taken to a heavier level. Honkeyfinger is a one man band who plays lap steel slide guitar and blows a mean harp. For fans of Bob Log III, Scott H. Biram, or Left Lane Cruiser.

Monday, 7 November 2011

David Yow talks Scratch Acid Reunion

Interesting interview with David Yow on As for the "occasional collaboration" he spoke of I've heard rumors of a noise-rock supergroup in the works consisting of Yow, Chris Spencer (Unsane, Cutthroats 9), Kevin Rutmantis (Cows, Melvins) and Kevin Fitzgerald (400 Blows, Circle Jerks). We'll see if that ever comes to fruition but in the meantime I'm eagerly awaiting Scratch Acid's return to the stage.

Here are the remaining dates as of today:
11/7 New York, NY - Webster Hall

11/9 Boston, MA - Paradise

11/10 Montreal, QC - Il Motore

11/11 Toronto, ON - Lee's Palace

11/12 Chicago, IL - Cabaret Metro

11/13 Louisville, KY - Cropped Out Festival

12/8 Dallas, TX - Trees

12/9 Houston, TX - Fitzgerald's

12/10 Austin, TX - Emo's East

12/13 Los Angeles, CA - El Rey Theatre

12/14 San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore

12/16 Portland, OR - Crystal Ballroom

12/17 Seattle, WA - Neuomos

3/9-11 Minehead, UK - All Tomorrow's Parties

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Ladder Devils - Forget English (2010)

Ladder Devils are a noise rock band out of Philadelphia that sound a hell of a lot like Young Widows. In particular the Widows' songs that Nick Thieneman sings. In which case maybe an even better comparison would be the Thieneman led Brain Banger. Although the striking similarity may reflect a lack of originality, I can think of worse things than having a few more Young Widows'ish bands out there.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Casus Belli - Tailgunnrangeles (1994)

Casus Belli was a solo project of ex-Bastards bass player Anthony Martin. The Minneapolis band was much more under the radar than Joe Breuer's (the other Bastard) Janitor Joe. If you like Janitor Joe there's no reason you wouldn't like this.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Sunn O))) cover

I just thought this was kind of funny...

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Shroud - Suicide Mission (1993)

So this download was given to us by a member of the band on our message board and am listening to it for the first time now as I type this. I like what I hear so far. Thanks, Adel. I'll just paste his message here and you can get the full story from the man himself...

I've been a fan of your blog for some time, and I usually take, so I thought I'd pass something along this time, and see if you were interested.
Here's the full story... In 1992 some friends and I formed a band, SHROUD, for one show. It was to be completely improvised - no rehearsals - and the music turned out to be an art-damaged doom-punk-jazz with a twisted vibe. We played said show, and were asked to open for Unsane a few weeks later, as well as record. We decided to liquidate the band immediately after the studio. The recording produced the limited (500 copies) cassette "Suicide Mission" in 1993. I re-pressed it on CD, limited to 500, a few months ago, and they are almost gone, so I thought I'd pass this along for your blog, and let folks have it for free.
I think those that enjoy a bit of Shiva's bliss may get a kick out of tracks 3, 4, and 6, especially.
I understand that the sound here isn't for everyone, but I though you might get a kick (negative or positive) from this release.

Adel Souto
